
Autumn 2023

  September 17, 2023 The growing season is over for the biggest part. I still have some corrots and some celleri growing. It is the celleri that I planted from the beginning on. When it got enough room to grow, it really started growing. I have a 'Maggi plant' (Levisticum officinale) growing aswell. I hope it will come back next year, as it is a perennial. I am planning to make a bigger area ready for growing. I will use the compost and some other soil materials; sand and peat. Then I want to plant some potatoes, carrots,etc. in there. In the mini greenhouse I will grow salads and the first batches of herbs.  I also want to grow a few tomato plants. I will need to make them sprout on time.


 We have purchased a good composter. This is a composter which should do its work also under cold weather condistions. I will keep a log about this in the future 8.5.2023 We eat quite a bit vegetables, so we have already quite a bit of bio waste in the bin. I throw some dry bark chips in it now and then also, to keep it airy. As you can see in the second picture, there are plastic pipes inside the bin. They supply air also. I still need a fork of some kind, to stir it up even now and then. As you can see, this composter has quite a lot of parts to keep the compostig process going. The extra tool I still need is this: 15.5.2023 It was pretty warm the last couple of weeks. The composting process is in full flow. I have turned the air inlet regulator to the right.  It is pretty moist in the bin  

Growing herbs and small vegetables

 In the following logs I am posting my home growing projects. Seedlings herbs 2023 Indoor under plastic foil on 10.4.2023 1 x Thyme 2 x Coriander 2 x Parsley ‘Bravour’ 1 x Parsley normal 2 x Basil I am planning to move these to the outdoor (cold) greenhouse as soon as they are proper young plants Once the (mini) greenhouse is set-up, I am planning to seed salad (Lollo Bionda) and Marjoram. 16.4.2023 Both Basil and Thyme sprout pretty fast.  I immediately took the plastic off. Basil&Thyme Now also the Coriander also started to make roots. Coriander The Parsley is still under the plastic. I try to put the plastic off as soon as is starts growing, to avoid stretching. It will also increase root growth, because it get activated to evaporate water (more then when under the plastic because of the humidity).  Now have to be sharp not to let it dry out. Because once a young sprout dries out, it will not make it. I bought more Basil seeds, and some cherry tomato seeds. I am planning to put